
Redesign a coffee shop application for dine-in customers

DeCafe is an application for coffee shops that allow customers to order and pay at their tables with scan a table QR code or log-in through app, without needing to leave their table and stay in line to order.

Project Details

The Problem

Ordering is one of coffee shops dine-in customers concern specially when they want to study/work at coffee shop and order something between their study/work.



Create an application for coffee shops that allow customers to order and pay at their tables with scan a table QR code or log-in through the website and receive it at their table


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  • Waste time in line and interaction with cashier/waiter for the order – For both customer and coffee shop staff
  • Distraction when customers are working or studying – For customer
  • It’s not economical for coffee shops to hire more people to serve more customers – For coffee shop
  • Customers worry about their stuff (Laptop, bag, and …) when they leave the table for reorder – For customer
  • For customers who can’t speak the local language, it’s hard to communicate – For both customers and coffee shop staff
  • Provide a system that enhances the customer’s experience – For coffee shop


Primary Research

In my primary research, I conducted short interviews by interviewing 4 people who go to a coffee shop once a week for dine-in, especially customers who go have a coffee beside their work and study. I select persons that represent a different group of users.

According to the user interviews, waiting in line to give orders to the cashier was frustrating or time-consuming. Leaving their table to order again or give something was also uncomfortable for them. 

User Pain Points

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  • Stay in line or calling a coffee shop waiter for an order is time-consuming
  • Customers can’t leave their stuff on the table between work/study to ordering
  • For customers who can’t speak the local language, it’s hard to communicate

Time and Experince

  • Service is slow in busy time

  • Distract customers between their work/study
  • The menu doesn’t have images or a full description


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User journey map

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This journey map illustrates the process a user like Paris might go through to order and pay online.

Persona: Parisa

Goal: Enjoy coffee and snacks while studying in the coffee shop

Find a coffee shop
Go to the coffee shop and find a seat
Browse the Menu
Order and Pay
Seat and Eat/Drink
Order Again
  • Search and find the closest coffee shop on google
  • Navigate to the coffee shop
  • Enter the coffee shop
  • Find a proper table and get seated
  • Start study/work
  • Look at the menu
  • Ask questions about the ingredient and description
  • Decide what to eat/drink
  • Go to the cashier or call a waiter for an order
  • Explain the order to the cashier or waiter
  • Cashier/Waiter confirms the order and asks for payment method
  • Pay by card/cash
  • Continue study/work
  • Receive their order
  • Eat/Drink
Start from "Brows the Menu" Action
Create an app that shows near coffee shops with the ability to navigate to them
Seat on the table and scan the table QR code that shows to the staff this table is for you
  • Browse the menu item and read the descriptions
  • Can access the saved and recent orders to order them again if you want
  • Select your item in the app menu and customize it
  • Confirm your order and pay through the app

Value Proposition

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For Customers

  • Order as much as they want from their table without the need to stay on the line
  • Can order their previous saved and customized orders very fast in the app
  • When you add a language feature, it’s more accessible and comfortable for customers who can't speak the local language
  • Reduce waiting time


For Coffee Shop

  • Reduce serving time and better user experience
  • Can increase the number of orders to serve
  • Don’t need to hire more people to get orders from tables


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The following story features the persona “Parisa”. Parisa goes to this coffee shop to study and drink coffee. See Parisa’s experience ordering coffee with the DeCafe app.

Paper Wireframes

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This paper wireframe showcase the final version of each page design.

Digital Wireframes

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Digital wireframes were made from paper wireframes using Figma.

Low-fidelity Prototype

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For my initial usability studies, I created an interactive low-fidelity prototype. The prototype was created on Figma.

Usability Study: Findings

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I conducted a remote unmoderated usability study by using the platform 


  • Some users prefer to use social login instead of signup
  • Unable to search and filter in order page
  • Happy with call waiter option
  • Most of the users liked the saved order option but there is no option to save items individually on the order details page


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Based on usability testing findings, I added social logins to the login page and changed some text.

Before usability study

Before usability study

Direction Arrows
After usability study

After usability study

Based on usability testing findings, each item now has a save button so that users can individually save them, and some design changes have been made to improve the user experience.

Before usability study

Before usability study

Direction Arrows
After usability study

After usability study

Accessibility Considerations

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  • Ensuring high contrast ratio
  • Add language feature
  • Ensure all text is readable by selecting legible typefaces
  • Ensuring all links and CTA is above minimum standards and tappable
Change Language

Hi-fidelity Prototype

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Going Forward: Next steps

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Design the coffee shop panel side to ensure both customers and staff have a positive app experience

Design responsive website for users using laptop to order

Design more page of the app and work on scalability of the app

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